Ticket Discounts

To ensure economic inclusivity, we at OpenStage provide multiple opportunities to see productions at discounted rates. Check out all the ways to save on tickets to our productions with the following deals and special performances.
Free Student/Educator Preview Performance

Free for students and educators! OpenStage Theatre’s student and educator programming is sponsored by The Thornton Charitable Foundation. Their support provides students and educators free access to all OpenStage productions! RSVP online or by calling 970.567.7387 

(This free event is reserved for current students and teachers for K-12 and Higher Education. If you have a non/student or non/educator accompanying you, please consider making a donation to cover their ticket cost. Cash or check donations can be made at the door. Thank you.) 

RSVP forms will be for each individual production and will become available 2 weeks before the student/educator performance. Check each show’s performance calendar for the designated Student/Educator night date.

Pay What You Can Performance

It’s all in the name! This is the perfect performance for those on a budget. RSVP online and make a cash or check donation at the door! RSVP forms will be for each individual production and will become available 2 weeks before the Pay What You Can performance. Check each show’s performance calendar for the designated Pay What You Can  night date.


FAB Friday Performance

Indeed the most FAB night in town! Sponsored by Odell Brewing and Company, all tickets are $29 and include a FREE Odell brew at intermission! (must be 21+ to imbibe)

Essential Season 15FOR15

New in our 52nd Season, all Essential Season performances will offer 15 tickets for $15 per performance, while supplies last. Simply choose “15FOR15” when selecting a ticket tier at checkout through The Lincoln Center ticketing website. This price dropdown will no longer work once all five tickets for a specific performance have been claimed.

etcetera Season 5FOR15

New in our 52nd Season, all etcetera Season performances will offer 5 tickets for $15 per performance, while supplies last. Simply choose “15FOR15” when selecting a ticket tier at checkout through The Lincoln Center ticketing website. This price dropdown will no longer work once all five tickets for a specific performance have been claimed


Enjoy discounted tickets to third Saturday performances of our Essential Season shows! Use code 3RDSAT at checkout to redeem $20 tickets for Essential Plays and $25 tickets for Essential musicals


Student Ticket Rates

Students—K-12 and higher ed—can purchase tickets for $25 for Essential musicals, and $20 for all Essential Plays and etcetera shows. Must provide a valid student id or class schedule when picking up tickets to verify eligibility.

Senior Ticket Rates

Seniors 60+ can purchase tickets for $37 for Essential Season musicals, $29 for Essential Season plays, and $22 for etcetera Season productions. Must provide photo id when picking up tickets to verify eligibility.


Industry Worker Ticket Rates

Individuals who work in the performing arts industry can purchase tickets for $35 for Essential Season musicals, $25 for Essential Season plays, and $20 for etcetera Season productions. Must provide proof of employment with employee badge, or playbill with name listing when picking up tickets to verify eligibility.

Grant Support
Season Sponsors
Grant Support
Season Sponsors