Meet the Director of ‘And Then There Were None’: Sydney Parks Smith

Sydney Parks Smith
“Crime is terribly revealing. Try and vary your methods as you will, your tastes, your habits your attitude of mind, your soul is revealed by your actions.” -Agatha Christie
“Actions speak louder than words. We learn this at an early age. Every day we act, sometimes without thought or with only thought for ourselves. We feel guilty, we try to mask our guilt (don’t pretend you don’t). We, as human beings, love, work and self-preserve. And, of course, judge. Ourselves and everyone around us. All of us have secrets – regrets, moments we are not proud of (hopefully not murder). Do we deserve to have our lives evaluated on those actions alone? You be the judge.” -Sydney Parks Smith, Director
Sydney has worked extensively with OpenStage Theatre for the past twenty years and serves as Associate Artistic Director for the Company. She received the 2017 Colorado Theatre Guild’s Henry Award, a True West Award and the OpenStage OPUS Award for Outstanding Actress for her role as Barb in August: Osage County; Denver Westword’s 2006 Best Supporting Actress in a Comedic Role Award for her performance as Janice in Italian American Reconciliation and the OpenStage OPUS Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress for her performance as Claire in Proof. Other recent roles include Kate in The Taming of the Shrew, Belinda in Noises Off, Hermia in Dead Man’s Cell Phoneand Irene Adler in Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure. Recent directing credits include The Flick, Stage Kiss and True West. Sydney has designed hair for several productions and received OPUS Awards for her designs for Macbeth and The Tempest. She received the 2016 Founder’s Award for her outstanding contributions to the Company. Sydney would like to Harry, Rex and Gus. And her amazing mom. They know why.

And Then There Were None
By Agatha Christie, Directed by Sydney Parks Smith
“A perfect combination of thriller and detective story.” – The Guardian
Ten strangers are summoned to a remote island. All the guests have in common is a wicked past they’re unwilling to reveal and a secret that will seal their fate, for each has been marked for murder. As the weather turns and the group is cut off from the mainland, the reckoning begins in accordance with the lines of a sinister nursery rhyme. Based on the best-selling mystery novel of all time, this darkly captivating thriller will leave you breathless and at the edge of your seat. It’s Agatha Christie at her murderous best!
March 31 – April 28
Lincoln Center Magnolia Theatre, 417 West Magnolia Street
Visit for more information on the story, the experience, and the creators.