Meet the Cast of ‘Steel Magnolias’: Sydney Parks Smith

Sydney Parks Smith
“M’Lynn is a Mamma Bear. She worries big. She loves big. She’ll make sure you drink your juice!” – Sydney Parks Smith
Sydney has worked with OpenStage Theatre since 1999 and serves as Associate Artistic Director for the Company. She received the 2018 OpenStage OPUS Award for Outstanding Director for And Then There Were None; the 2017 Colorado Theatre Guild’s Henry Award, a True West Award and the OPUS Award for Outstanding Actress for her role as Barb in August: Osage County; Denver Westword’s 2006 Best Supporting Actress in a Comedic Role Award for her performance as Janice in Italian American Reconciliation; and the OpenStage OPUS Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress for her performance as Claire in Proof. Other recent roles include Antipholus of Ephesus in The Comedy of Errors and Kate in The Taming of the Shrew, and other recent directing credits include The Flick and Stage Kiss. Sydney has designed hair for several productions and received OPUS Awards for her designs for Macbeth and The Tempest. She received the 2016 Founder’s Award for her outstanding contributions to the Company. Sydney would like to thank Harry, Rex and Gus. And her amazing mom. They know why.
Steel Magnolias
By Robert Harling | Directed by Debbie Swann
January 19- February 16
“The only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to accessorize.” – Clairee in Steel Magnolias
Honey. It’s the 1980s. And hairspray is flying at Truvy’s beauty shop where the motto is, “There is no such thing as natural beauty.” Over the buzz of blow dryers, six southern spitfires gather each week to gossip and support each other through thick and thin. From weddings to divorces and from babies to funerals, they weather every event in their lives together with grace, determination, and perfectly coiffed hair. Infused with heart and humor, Steel Magnolias is a touching story of love, loss, and enduring friendship.
Lincoln Center Magnolia Theatre | 417 W. Magnolia