Featured Presenter: Gavin Polhemus

Gavin Polhemus
By Nick Payne
Directed by Natalie Scarlett
Playing February 28 – March 21, 2020
“Who knew that higher physics could be so sexy, so accessible – and so emotionally devastating?” –The New York Times
A physicist and a beekeeper meet at a party. They hit it off and go for a drink. Or perhaps they don’t. Perhaps she is engaged to someone else, perhaps he is. Maybe she breaks his heart, maybe he breaks hers. Even in quantum parallel universes, in which every possibility exists, love stings like a bee. Time, it turns out, is a more effective breaker of hearts than human beings. Written in the stars, Constellations is an immersive multi-media banquet presented in the OtterBox Digital Dome Theater in collaboration with the Museum of Discovery.
Playing at the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery – 408 Mason Court