Debuting Artist: Susan Conceicao

What is your favorite play or musical?
I recently saw the Lehman Trilogy in Denver which I thought was incredible. It is hard to choose my favorite musical – I was raised on musical theater, and love Les Miserables, Gypsy, and Fiddler on the Roof. (Oh yes, West Side Story as well)
What is your favorite role you’ve played in the past? Why was that role special to you?
I played the role of Katherine Wiley in Radium Girls– this role was very close to the work I have done as a social worker I have done in real life. I loved bringing her character as an advocate to life.
Is there a dream role or type of production you hope to work on in the future?
Honestly, I would love to play the part of JS, the psychiatrist in Necessary Targets by Eve Ensler. It portrays the reality of war so realistically and is a great example of healing and transformation.
What do you like to do in your free time when you’re not working on theatre projects?
In my free time, I play the harp, spend time with my beagle and partner, and read.