Debuting Artist: Scott Hurst
Scott takes the stage for the very first time with OpenStage in Big Fish: Small Cast Edition!

Tell us about yourself! What theatre or other experiences did you have in this discipline before working on this show?
Scott, a Los Angeles transplant, has been seen in over twenty productions across Colorado since moving here six years ago. Theatre companies include The Candlelight, Vintage Theatre, The Aurora Fox, Opera Fort Collins, and The Spark.
What is something you spend your free time doing, outside of theatre?
Outside of theatre, Scott can be found in his free time playing improv/jazz piano, coaching voice lessons, and raising money for charitable organizations.
How did you hear about OpenStage?
Scott first heard about OpenStage through several brilliant artists that have performed in numerous productions in the company’s history.
What has been the most challenging aspect of rehearsals for this show?
The most challenging aspect of rehearsing for Big Fish has been staying professional through all the laughter and humour present in the rehearsal room!
What is your favorite song from the show? Why is that one your favorite?
Scott’s favorite song from the show is a tie between “Daffodils” and “This River Between Us”, due to the extraordinary nature of composer Andrew Lippa’s gorgeous melodies.
Why is Big Fish important? What do you hope audiences will get out of it?
Big Fish is important because there are not enough stories portraying the complexities of a father/son relationship. Big Fish also deals with grief and loss in a profound way that is certain to impact audiences.
What is your favorite role you’ve played in the past?
Scott’s favorite role he has played in the past is Jekyll/Hyde from Frank Wildhorn’s gothic musical adaptation.
What is your favorite musical?
Scott’s favorite musical changes constantly, but Big Fish is a new contender!
What projects are you working on next?
After Big Fish, Scott will be traveling home to Southern California to be performing in North Coast Repertory Theatre’s production of Camelot all summer!
Book by John August
Music and Lyrics by Andrew Lippa
Based on the novel by Daniel Wallace and the Columbia Motion Picture written by John August
Directed by Noah Racey
March 23- April 20, 2024
Playing at the Lincoln Center Magnolia Theatre