Debuting Artist: Jolie Beth Boudreaux

What is your favorite play or musical?
Sweeney Todd.
What is your favorite role you’ve played in the past? Why was that role special to you?
Honestly, it was being in the Ensemble of Sweeney Todd. It was my favorite show and my first time working with a professional theater company. When we showed up for music rehearsal for the first time and everyone sang the opening number I thought it was one of the greatest moments in my life.
Is there a dream role or type of production you hope to work on in the future?
I love musicals, comedies, or shows where I can play multiple different characters. If I could pick a show now, I would love to be in The Play That Goes Wrong.
What do you like to do in your free time when you’re not working on theatre projects?
I work as an LPC (I think psychology and theater go hand in hand), I play board games with my family and friends, I teach voice and acting, my husband and I write musicals, and I’m learning to play tennis.