Debuting Artist: Cambria Miers

What is your favorite play or musical?
Right now, it’s definitely Mean Girls.
What is your favorite role you’ve played in the past? Why was that role special to you?
Ooo, it’s a tie between Raja Englanderova in I Never Saw Another Butterfly and Scuttle in The Little Mermaid. The former because it was my first lead role, and I loved learning more about the history of my character and the Holocaust in order to perform the role more accurately. And, the latter because it was a super fun role that’s right up my alley!
Is there a dream role or type of production you hope to work on in the future?
I would love to play Rose Fenny in Dogfight someday! I love the songs she sings. I’ve never heard of a theatre performing it, though!
What do you like to do in your free time when you’re not working on theatre projects?
I love spending time with my husband, playing video games, listening to music and audiobooks, making crafts, putting together cosplays, and taking care of my plants/garden!