Debuting Artist: Alicia Muñoz

What is your favorite play or musical?
I LOVE Waitress! I’ll cry every time I watch it and I know every word.
What is one of your favorite designs or technical achievements from your career so far, and what made it special to you?
This show is definitely my favorite achievement in my career so far. It has been my first professional show and I have loved working with the people involved.
What upcoming projects or roles are you excited about?
I don’t have anything on the horizon right now, but I’m the biggest fan of the playwright of October Surprise, so I’m always looking forward to his next project!
What do you like to do in your free time when you’re not working on theatre projects?
Outside of theatre, I’m a special education teacher, so that’s where I spend most of my time. When I am able to get some free time, I love to macrame, crochet, embroider, and hang out with my dogs!