Recent Polaris graduate, Adeline Stiles, makes her OpenStage debut as Joan the Goat/Unnamed Amputee #3 in “Treasure Island”

Tell us about yourself! What theatre or other experiences did you have in this discipline before working on this show?

HI! My name Is Adeline Stiles! I just graduated from Polaris. I have been doing theatre ever since I was 4 years old, through various companies such Divabee Academy, CAA, FCCT, and more! I have only ever done Musical theatre so this is my first play as well as my first paid production!

How did you hear about OpenStage?

I have known about OpenStage for many years, just through the local theatre scene! It has been a goal of mine to work with this company ever since I heard of it! Shortly after I turned 18, I auditioned and got in!

How familiar were you with “Treasure Island,” the book or the stage adaptation, before you were cast in this show?

I had a vague understanding of Treasure Island before auditioning, but I had no idea how FUNNY it is! I can’t stop laughing in rehearsal, of course, that’s the amazing actors too.

What made you decide to audition for this production?

I was originally in FCCT’S production of ELF! with Kate (our director). She mentioned she was directing Treasure Island and encouraged everyone over 18 to audition! I decided to give it a try and I am SO HAPPY I did!!

What was the most challenging part for you throughout rehearsals?

I was definitely a bit intimidated at first. I am surrounded by absolutely amazing professional actors and very much felt my imposter syndrome creeping in. However, as I continue on and get more comfortable with my role, I feel that self-doubt drifts away and my confidence comes out in ways I’ve never seen before!

What was the most exciting thing you did in rehearsals?

It has been amazing to practice and perform my craft in a welcoming and professional setting! It has been a wonderful introduction to the adult theatre world. I also have loved the stage combat, something I hadn’t really done much of before!

What is your favorite scene or sequence in the show?

There are so many fun and funny scenes in this show that I cannot stop laughing from backstage! One of my favorites has to be a part of Scene 9, where Squire (Stephen Gillespie) and Silver (Akolotu Moeloa) have a hilarious conversation about finding a good crew for Squire’s ship. Everyone is laughing offstage when we run it!

Which sea shanty sung in the show is your personal favorite?

I really enjoy all the sea shanties so much! However, my favorite has to be when I sing 15 men on a dead man’s chest with Nicole and Alyssa! I love Singing under the scenes with them!

If you couldn’t pick the one you play, who is your favorite character in the show?

Everyone in the cast makes their role so entertaining and funny so it’s hard to pick just one! I really love the Doctors’ character and what my castmate Jack has done with it! I also adore the character of Ben Gunn and think it would be such a fun character to play! Kiernan depicts the character incredibly well!!

What is something you spend your free time doing, outside of theatre?

Outside of theatre, I really enjoy playing piano, singing, and dancing. I also love hanging out with my friends and working on my languages( I know ASL and a little EU Portuguese). I also really strive to be an active activist in my community. Specifically regarding human/ civil rights.

What is the importance of this show today? What do you hope the audiences get out of it?

This is a very fun, funny, action-packed filled show! I hope to give the audience some wonderful laughs and a really wonderful experience overall! On a personal note for myself, I hope to inspire others to do theatre. I have always dreamed of doing this but have been nervous if I was able to get in this show and showing myself that I can means a lot. If you want to do this, you can! Audition and try out these things!! At any age!!

What projects are you working on next? What is your dream role or dream show to work on?

Right now I am graduating from High School and focusing on the next steps for education as well as celebrating with my friends and family, and that will be a large focus for the future. I hope to be in Many more OpenStage productions in the future, especially any musicals being put on! A few personal dream shows for me to work on would be Rocky Horror, Hairspray, A Chorus Line… there are many! A dream role for me personally would have to be Wednesday Adams from Adam’s Family, Val Clarke in Chorus Line, again there are so many!

By Robert Louis Stevenson
Adapted by Bryony Lavery

Directed by Kate Austin-Gröen

June 3 – July 1, 2023
Playing at the Park at Columbine Health Systems

Come see Adeline and the rest of the cast in “Treasure Island” June 3 – July 1!

Set sail on a thrilling journey with cutthroat pirates, a treasure map, and a courageous young girl named Jim, who becomes entangled in a dangerous swashbuckling expedition. Jim gets more than she bargains for when she embarks on a daring sea voyage to an exotic island where a hoard of gold and gems is buried. Awash with treachery, mutiny, and unforgettable characters, including the infamous Long John Silver, Treasure Island comes alive in an epic theatrical adaptation of one of the world’s greatest adventure stories. Featuring nightly food trucks!


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