Markus takes the stage for the very first time with OpenStage in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night!

Headshot for Markus Rodriguez-Intulaksana

Tell us about yourself! What training or other theatre experiences did you have before working on this show?

I have only been doing theatre for about six years now, but my love for the artform grew fast and strong! I am a University of Northern Colorado student in the School of Theatre Arts & Dance, studying for a Bachelor’s of Theatre Studies with certifications in Arts Entrepreneurship and Design & Technology.

What is something you spend your free time doing, outside of theatre?

My biggest passion outside of theatre is writing. I love reading books — which genre? I could not answer straight — and enjoy putting my own thoughts to paper. I try not to be pretentious, but, then again, that’s the way most writing is. I try to find a balance by reading essays and realistic fiction, and hiding in a trashy romance novel here or there.

How did you hear about OpenStage? What compelled you to audition for this show?

When I am not doing shows, I will stalk every audition site and facebook group available to me for any opportunities that could benefit me. But surprisingly enough, I found OpenStage while looking for opportunities in orchestral performance. I was looking for opportunities to start playing music again, and stumbled across OpenStage instead, and became interested in the lineup of shows chosen as each one seemed endlessly fun!

What has been your favorite part of rehearsals so far?

100% the environment. The cast and directors have made this rehearsal process for me, along with the production team who recently joined us for a run of the show. Every single person involved is so wildly different, and yet each so charismatic, talented, and hilarious both on and off stage!

What has been the most challenging aspect of rehearsals for this show?

The commute.

What is your favorite character from the show (other than your own)? Why is that one your favorite?

Although I didn’t start theater until around 15, I always enjoyed Shakespeare. Twelfth Night and Othello are my favorite of his shows, and funnily enough I ended up playing Toby Belch in high school! Toby and Andrew have always had a special place in my heart for the chaos they bring to the stage, and I’m glad I’ve gotten to play both in my life.

Why is Twelfth Night important? What do you hope audiences will get out of it?

I think Twelfth Night, besides showing people that there are more Shakespeare shows than just Midsummer, Romeo & Juliet, Macbeth, and Hamlet, breaks so many barriers in its plot and characters. The show is open enough to display identities of all kinds, both queer and not!

What is your favorite line in the show?

I love the recurring line of “be not afraid of greatness…” However, a close second would have to be “O, if I thought that I’d beat him like a dog.”

What is your favorite role you’ve played in the past?

One of my favorite shows I’ve ever done has been She Kills Monsters where I played Chuck. I related heavily to the queer themes of the show, as well as the character of a nerd who just played a lot of Dungeons & Dragons.

What is your favorite play or musical?

My all time favorite show is Bare. I just think it’s Spring Awakening but more relatable to me than a bunch of German kids.

What projects are you working on next? What is your dream role?

My dream role in theatre is Paul San Marco from A Chorus Line, as that was the first theatre show I ever saw live, and the show that got me into theatre to begin with. Luckily, I have the opportunity to play the role of Paul this coming fall in my debut with PHAMALy Theatre Company in Denver. It will also be my first show performing at the Denver Center, which I am very excited for!


By William Shakespeare
Directed by Debbie Swann

June 8–July 13, 2024
Playing in the Park at Columbine Health Systems

Come see Markus take the stage in “Twelfth Night” June 8- July 13!

In a rambunctious story of hidden identities and misplaced love, the witty, resourceful, and inventive Viola turns tragedy and loss into a life-changing experience for herself and everyone she touches. Shipwrecked in a strange new land, this charming woman proves to be equally charming disguised as a man as she manages to throw the collective romantic life of the island into further disarray. In a place where everyone is in love with someone, but no one is in love with the someone who loves them back, Viola may just be the soul to set them right. Full of humor and hijinks, Twelfth Night showcases a whirlwind of unbridled passion and embraces the insanity of love. Walk in, bike in, or drive in! Featuring nightly food trucks.

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