Andrea takes the stage for the very first time with OpenStage in DANCE NATION!

Headshot for Andrea Echeverría

Tell us about yourself! What theatre or other experiences did you have in this discipline before working on this show?

I have a BA in Dramatic Arts and a Post-grad degree in Teaching Dramatic Arts. I have worked as a theater teacher and have performed in over 10 professional shows. I have been a part of international theater workshops. I have also been involved with several video productions in the roles of producer, director, writer, and actress.

What is something you spend your free time doing, outside of theatre?

I love dancing and being outdoors (biking, chasing waterfalls, hiking) or staying home watching movies and eating popcorn.

How did you hear about OpenStage?

I was looking for a theatre in Fort Collins a few years ago and found OpenStage online. I filmed and was about to submit an online audition but life happened and I wasn’t able to send it.

What compelled you to audition for this show?

Fast forward to last fall, I was in town visiting family and I saw that auditions were coming up for next season. Ironically, I submitted the original monologue audition that I recorded years ago. When I read through DANCE NATION‘s synopsis and realized there was going to be dancing, I knew I had to go for it.

What has been your favorite part of rehearsals so far?

I have enjoyed getting to know the cast and the evolution of the movement. It has been a joyful and fun co-creation with each other.

What has been the most challenging aspect of rehearsals for this show?

English is my second language and this has been a challenge with nuances of language and dialogue.  Even though I love dancing, remembering the choreography has been a fun challenge.

What is your favorite character from the show (other than your own)? Why is that one your favorite?

Maeve because I feel she is really genuine and in touch with her inner self. She is thoughtful with everyone around her.

Why is Dance Nation important? What do you hope audiences will get out of it?

I think it is important because it shows without filtering the raw truths of the emotional challenges and growths of female adolescents and how this period carries over into adulthood. I hope this play opens the hearts and minds of the audience to have greater empathy and understanding of what it means to be a woman in this society, and the things we need to change as a society.

What is your favorite role you’ve played in the past?

It was a physical theater play and my role was an amoeba that moved along with other amoebas who were controlled by a dominating entity. The subcontext of this play was how we humans live under a similar rat race scenario.

What projects are you working on next? What is your dream role or dream show to work on?

I have created a method where I combine my creativity, theater experience, and healing tools to help others in their personal transformation. Beyond this private practice, I would love to act in a movie that involves traveling a lot.


By Clare Barron
Directed by Heather Ostberg Johnson

May 11–May 26, 2024
Playing at Outrun Parkour (2026 Bear Mountain Dr #117, Fort Collins)

Come see Andrea take the stage in “DANCE NATION” May 11- May 26!

Somewhere in America, an army of pre-teen competitive dancers plots to take over the world. But more is at stake than a first-place trophy: puberty, friendship, rivalry, and girls becoming women, to be exact. Fangs come out as the competition heats up, and the blood, sweat, and tears get very real. Portrayed by adult actors of all ages, these adolescent girls (and one boy) struggle with their tween confusion—and their future adult selves. A finalist for the Pulitzer Prize, Dance Nation is a play about ambition, growing up, and how to find our souls in the heat of it all.

Content Warning: Dance Nation contains gore, coarse language, depictions of self-harm, simulated masturbation, and descriptions of: masturbation, sex, and sexual violence. May not be suitable for patrons under the age of 18.

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