Introducing Tiana Song as “The Wife” in The Christians

Welcome back to our Debuting Artist blog series! OpenStage is home to many incredible artists, some who have worked with the company for years and others who are brand new. This week we introduce Tiana Song, playing The Wife in The Christians


Tell us about yourself! Where you’re from, your hobbies, past work, fun facts, or anything that comes to mind!
I am originally from the Chicago area but have been living in Fort Collins for 12 years. If I am not acting for the camera or on stage, you can find me road and mountain biking all around the Fort Collins area. Fun Fact: I am a 5th-degree Black Belt in Taekwondo and a Motion Picture Stunt Performer.

What were your first impressions when you read the script for The Christians?

POWERFUL! I was blown away by how this play really addresses so many different nuanced ideas: communication, relationships, interpretations, truth and reality, power, and so much more!

How has your experience with OpenStage been so far?

It has been amazing. Everyone is so supportive and welcoming. Most of my acting has been behind the camera for film/television, so naturally, I felt super nervous to audition for live theatre. I am so happy that I decided to give it a shot!

What is your favorite thing about acting?

I love being able to get vulnerable and take risks with my characters. The craft of acting gives me the chance to investigate humanity further than my own lived experiences. It is also such a vulnerable feeling to find a little bit of myself in each character I play as well.

What can audiences look forward to in The Christians?

Leaving this play asking so many questions and investigating our culture and humanity more deeply.

Do you have any upcoming projects after The Christians?

I have two Indie feature films coming up as well as a weekend of motion picture stunt filming!

Come see Tiana and the rest of the cast in The Christians, opening May 20th!

The Christians

Directed by Jack Krause

May 20 – June 11, 2022

Twenty years ago, Pastor Paul’s church was a modest storefront. Now it’s a gleaming megachurch. Paul is about to deliver a sermon that will shake the foundation of his parish to its core. Certainty and doubt come to a head as his stunning revelation just may convert his congregation of thousands into a congregation of one. A compassionate nuanced look at faith in America—and the trouble with changing your mind.

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