Introducing Tabitha Tyree as “Adrienne” in Cry It Out

OpenStage is home to many incredible artists, some who have been working with the company for years and others who are brand new. This season we are proud to introduce Tabitha Tyree, making her OpenStage debut in our upcoming production of Cry It Out! I had the pleasure of getting to know Tabitha before she takes the stage as “Adrienne,” a new mom who is having a hard time with the trials of parenthood. Here is what Tabitha had to say:

Tell me about yourself! Where you’re from, your hobbies, past work, fun facts, or anything that comes to mind!

I was lucky enough to grow up in Fort Collins! I got into acting as an adult. I always thought acting was for other people until a friend dared me to give it a try! Here we are. Fun fact, I was stung by a jellyfish and charged by a water Buffalo. I had bad luck that week. I have been a cat lady since day one – reading, baking, garden, knitting, piano, anything involving history.

What made you decide to audition for Cry It Out? What was the audition like?

The script was so current day with topics my friends and I deal with. I’m at the age that babies are on the mind. I love that this show approaches parenthood from different perspectives and that class plays a big part in it. The audition was exciting because I could picture myself in each role and see the perspective of each mother.

How has your experience with OpenStage been so far?

Wonderful. Bryn has been a wonderful director, working with me to find Adrienne. Our cast and crew are so fun and talented.

What is your favorite thing about acting?

I was a psych major in college. I love analyzing characters, understanding them and what their motives are to do what they do. I love creating a character that feels real and believable in their world. Also, I love the people I get to meet and work with. It’s great for me as an extrovert.

What is your favorite show/film that you have ever worked on and why?

Be Still by Ben Hess with Slyfox Films. The role was challenging in a way I haven’t experienced before. I got to explore a whole new side of myself.

Come see Tabitha and the rest of the cast in Cry It Out, opening September 3rd at The OBC Wine Project!

Cry It Out

Directed by Bryn Frisina

September 3 – September 18, 2021

Dirty diapers, breast pumps and 2 a.m. feedings, are enough to give anyone sleepless nights … Not to mention the need for a strong cup of coffee. Molly Smith Metzler (Shameless, Orange is the New Black) holds both a microscope and a megaphone to the joys and perils today’s mothers face. This comedy-with-dark-edges takes a sharp and honest look at the power of female friendship, the dilemma of going back to work after being home with a newborn and the effect that economic and social class has on parenthood in America.

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