5 Days of Thanks, Day 5: Our Company of Artists!

This Thanksgiving week, we would like to take some time to share some things we are thankful for here at OpenStage. Today, on our final day, we are thankful for our Company of Artists!

Without the talent, soul, and dedication of the artists, OpenStage Theatre & Company would not exist. They make it possible for us to continue opening hearts and minds in the Northern Colorado community.

Our artists are our lifeblood and we miss the OpenStage Company of Artists and long for the time we can work together again! Our industry has now been on pause for over eight months. Take some time today to remind the artists in your life that you are thankful for them as well!

Meet our Company of Artists! These individuals are actors, designers, choreographers directors, technicians, volunteers, board of directors, staff and most importantly FAMILY. They truly are the heart and soul of OpenStage Theatre.

Our Company of Artists for 2020-2021

Toni Alexander
Tim Alexander
Judith Allen
Leah Allen
Kirby Anderson
Ivan Andrade
Candice Andrews
Kiernan Angley
Dasha Ann
Peter Anthony
Kate Austin-Groen
David Austin-Groen
Joe Bakel
Jeff Barina
Jesse Bates
Brian Bernethy
Jeffrey Bigger
Aleah Black
Keegan Bockhorst
Jennifer R. Bray
Larry Bridges
James Brookman
Dave Brookman
Carla Brookman
Hannah Brooks
Jan Buecher
James Burns
Michael Butts
Greg Clark
Andrew Cole
Brikai Cordova
Jeanne Criswell
Bob Criswell
Jessica Emerling Crow
Maggie Cummings
Thom D’Albergaria
Nancy D’Albergaria
Tyler Davis
Shay Dite
Alana Eisemann
Rocky Eisentraut
Cole Emarine
Emily Erkman
Ken Fenwick
Charlie Ferrie
Steve Finnestead
Matthew Floyd
Lorna Floyd
Alex Forbes
Dashiell Forkner
Jessica V. Freestone
Denise Burson Freestone
Bruce K. Freestone
Brian Gabel
Delany Garcia
Nicole Gawronski
Mercedes Gil
Rebakah Goldberg
Ben Gondrez
Michael Gorgan
Lauren Gorman
Ariel Greenspoon
David Grinnell
Samantha Hamann
Karen Hammann
Sally Hammon
Brandy Hodgson
Katie Houser
Kirsten Hovorka
Joe Hovorka
Brian Hughes
Maya Jairam
Jeff Jesmer
Heather Ostberg Johnson
Sydney Johnson
Loren Jones
Tim Jordan
Jessica Kelley
Charles Ray King Jr.
Starla Kovar
Jack Krause
Jessica Kroupa
Andrew Kumar
Chris Lanphear
Heather Lawrence
Kathy Leonard
Graham Lier
Shannon Nicole Light
Larry Linne
Dave Livinghouse
Jesse Lynton
Jessica MacMaster
Dennis Madigan
Mark Manges
Axel Manica
Marlin May
Molly McGuire
Bas Meindertsma
Brian Miller
Dave Miller
Robert Moore
John Moreland
Darlene Morse
Alyssa Moss
Dan Muth
Amber Nowell
Shara Handley Pool
Bill Pool
Grant Putney
Bill Roellig
Susan Rogers
Sara Rose
Lori Rosedahl
Matthew Rothstein
Katie Yeager Rothstein
Kaya Rudolph
Sally Runions
Duane Sawyer
Natalie Scarlett
Brys Scotland
John Seaberry
Roger Sherman
Steven P. Sickles
Abigail Simpson
Sydney Parks Smith
Rebecca Spafford
Briana Sprecher-Kinneer
Aubrey Stalnaker
Luke Stephens
Andrew Strider
Debbie Swann
Kern Tamkun
Morgan Taylor
Mark Terzani
Louise F. Thornton
Dan Tschirhart
Steve Vertucci
Victoria Villalobos
Jessica Vyvial-Larson
Sara Wade
Frances Way
Corinne Wieben
Brian Wilcox
Morgan Willits
Con Woodall
Steve Wright
Nancy York

To all of our company and associate members, to all of our artists: THANK YOU! OpenStage truly would not be the company that it is without you! We can’t wait until we can start creating theatre together again.

Colorado Gives Day is Almost Here!

Colorado Gives Day is December 8th! Schedule a One-Time Donation or become a Curtain Raiser by scheduling convenient monthly donations. You can schedule your Colorado Gives Day contribution as early as today!
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