5 Days of Thanks, Day 3: Our Fabulous Donors!

This Thanksgiving week, we would like to take some time to share some things we are thankful for at OpenStage. Today, on day three, we are thankful for our Donors!

Every year, we participate in Colorado Gives Day, a statewide day of giving that happens in December. On top of our planned fundraisers, we also have donors give money throughout the season. Our Curtain Raisers schedule convenient monthly donations that provide funds in increments throughout the year.

Meet everybody who has currently donated this 2020/2021 Season:


Tom And Kristi Aberle

Starring Role

Bas and Ashley Meindertsma
Ozbek Family
Carol Warner

Chorus Line

Cory and Shelly Carroll
Robert and Patricia Godwin
Jim Haas
Jennifer Lee
Lisa Metzgar
Kevin Ryan and Karen Schneider
Shukert Family
York, The Red Lion

Stage Hand

David and Merete Cunningham
Sally Dunphy
Bruce and Denise Freestone
Dave and Judy Kersten
Chris Lanphear
Wendy Turner

This year, Colorado Gives Day is even more important than before. As we try to survive through this pandemic, we have to make up all lost income that we are lacking from the inability to sell tickets. Our donors have been gracious enough to help us through this season so far!

We have an amazing and growing list of donors who have already pre-scheduled their donation for this year’s Colorado Gives Day. Join our 2020/2021 Season donors by scheduling your donation for Colorado Gives Day, happening on Tuesday, December 8th.

Colorado Gives Day is Almost Here!

Colorado Gives Day is December 8th! Schedule a One-Time Donation or become a Curtain Raiser by scheduling convenient monthly donations. You can schedule your Colorado Gives Day contribution as early as today!
Grant Support
Season Sponsors
Grant Support
Season Sponsors