5 Days of Thanks, Day 2: Our Amazing Sponsors!

This Thanksgiving week, we would like to take some time to share some things we are thankful for here at OpenStage. Today, on day two, we are thankful for our Sponsors! Meet our 2020/2021 Season Sponsors:

Red Carpet Sponsor

Jack Curfman

Season Sponsors

Avogadro’s Number
John & Anne Blair
Brys Scotland

Producing Sponsors

Toni Alexander & William Neiman II
Ken & Carol Severson
Citizen Printing
Columbine Health Systems
Steve Finnestead Photography

Supporting Sponsors

Law Office of Stephen Vertucci, LLC.
Jessica & Robert Crow
Larry & Deborah Linne

Underwriting Sponsors

Gary & Carol Ann Hixon
Sydney & Harry Smith
Kathleen Winder
Gail & Katherine Woods
Sara Wade & Aaron Reid

Performance Sponsors

Mike & Marsha Marberry
Chet & Pat Moore

What do our Sponsors support?

OpenStage Sponsors empower us to create theatre that opens hearts and minds. This season, our Sponsors are helping us to keep our administrative costs covered so we can continue planning our season for when theatre can safely return again. We appreciate their continued love and support which is why we are sharing our love for all of our sponsors on this second day of “Thanks!”

Colorado Gives Day is Almost Here!

Colorado Gives Day is December 8th! Schedule a One-Time Donation or become a Curtain Raiser by scheduling convenient monthly donations. You can schedule your Colorado Gives Day contribution as early as today!
Grant Support
Season Sponsors
Grant Support
Season Sponsors